Sunday, August 8, 2010

From Guyana. . .

As I write this post, I am sitting in my office just east of Georgetown Guyana.  I live here about half of the year, and have done so for almost twenty years.  What an amazing place!

Guyana is what is commonly referred to as a "Developing Nation", which means that a lot of the people live at or below the poverty level.  Many of my friends here do not have the "things" that most of us in the USA take for granted.  But the people here are some of the richest people I know!

They have a real capacity to love, and be loved!  They are truly some of the most sharing and hospitable people I have ever met!  Total strangers here will offer me a place to stay, and will care for me as long as I need their help.


The weather here is also amazing!  It is what I call "endless summer".  The year round, the temperature is between 70 and 92 degrees.  As a result, you don't ever see the changing of the seasons.  About the only change here is rainy season, or not rainy season. We get between 7 and 10 feet of rain a year here!  (Can anyone say "Rain Forest"?)

Simple things that we take for granted in the USA are not so simple here.  The electricty "comes and goes" here a lot.  In fact, yesterday we had three "Blackouts", and that is not uncommon.

Furthermore, although the name Guyana means "land of many waters", for the most part. . . you cannot drink the tap water.  You really have to be careful, or Typhoid can rear it's ugly head.

Malaria is a common illness in the interior.  Imagine that!

Yet with all the challenges, and with all the difficulties, the people here are some of the happiest I know!  Seems they have learned to enjoy the journey. . . even if it has it's challenges!

What about you?  Do you have challenges in your life that make you complain?  Why not take a look at the things in your life that make you happy?  We all have them. . . we just have to look sometimes!

As you travel along the way, take time to look at the things that are good in your life.  Stop and smell the roses.  Look at the clouds.  Enjoy the sunset.  Take time to be with your family and friends.  Watch a child playing.  Breathe in the fresh air.  Enjoy the change of seasons.

Whatever it is. . . enjoy the Mile Markers along the way!   You'll be glad you did!

See you on the road!


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