Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunrise! ! ! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . . .

I do believe my favorite time of day is Sunrise.

Now, as my wife reads this, she will say "WHAT?!?"  Because I am NOT a morning person.  I am a night owl.

As a result, most of the sunrises I have seen are a result of my being up all night, and catching the sunrise then.  And they are always special to me!

Sunsets are beautiful too, and here in the Caribbean region, there are some spectacular sunsets!  But Sunset's almost make me a little sad.  It is an ending. . . and I suppose I don't like endings as much as I like beginnings.

Sunrises on the other hand ARE a beginning.  With the rising of the sun comes hope, and excitement, and anticipation!  What will today bring?  How are things going to unfold today?

For me, Sunrises take more work to enjoy too.  To get up in time to watch the sunrise is really difficult for me.  Sunsets on the other hand are very easy.  You just have to be there.

The picture that is on display with this story is one that I took a few days ago, right outside my office here in Guyana.  I love seeing the Sunrise, or even a full moon, through the leaves of a Palm Tree.  There is something exotic, and lovely, and heartwarming about it.

As the sun peaks over the horizon for the first time in the day, it is almost saying "Hey. . . time for a new start!  Time to see what wonders the day has to offer!"  I like that.

Jesus was a fan of sunrises.  At least I think that is the case, since he chose to come out of the tomb first thing in the morning.  That certainly was His new beginning. . . and ours too!  When he came out of that tomb, he was saying "Hey. .  time for a new start!  Time to see the wonders that God has to offer those who chose to follow me!"

I suppose that is why I like sunrises so.  It reminds me of the new start we receive in Christ!

Are you enjoying the sunrise in your life?  Jesus said "I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly!"  And that sunrise, that Resurrection of His insures our abundant life.

The great thing is, that His sunrise insures for us a fresh start!  A time to start with a clean slate, and revel in His sunrise.

Take time to enjoy the sunrise.  Not just the one at the beginning of the day, but the one provided by the Son.  Enjoy the new beginning!

See you on the Road!

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